Well, not exactly paddling–but here are photos from our recent trip to Bruge in Belgium as we traverse some of the local waterways.
More All-Stars Plus Robin Falls Kids Story Time Event
Just a few more photos from the big game on Tuesday night.
All-Star Night at the Game in St. Louis

Wow! What a fun and exciting evening I had last night when I had the privilege to attend the 80th All-Star Game at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. Here’s a few pictures:
HAMSTER HOLIDAYS and Robin Falls Kids Story Time
ZeBee’s Virtual Summer Zoo Camp for Children
Just in time to beat summertime boredom–
It’s been a busy summer already. Just returned from an international trip–I’ll share some photos later. But I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to tell you the good news.
Find the Perfect Book Match for Your Summer Reading
I’m so excited to tell you about this great opportunity–just a click away. How many times during the summer when your mom or dad suggests you do some reading, you say, “But I don’t have any good books.”???
Summer Reading, Websites, and Recipes for Kids
Holly and I took a field trip to the dog park today. There we met Joey and his mom and their beautiful and friendly Irish Setter, Flash. After Holly showed Joey all the cool tricks she can do, we humans eventually got around to the really fun stuff–talking about books.
Father’s Day Gift Ideas
Summer Art Show Contest for Kids
Quick…take a look at this: