May is speeding by. Soon summer will be here and school vacation.
Children’s Book Week
Sorry it’s halfway through the week already before I had the chance to remind you about CHILDREN’S BOOK WEEK. Click on the link and you’ll find a great bookmark you can print.
Best of Stories For Children Magazine
It’s been a rainy day here today–lots of clouds, lightning, thunder and RAIN! But it finally seems to be stopping and a bit of sun is peeking through. Hopefully, it will dry out for the weekend.

Children’s Illustrated Art Museum and iKids
Exciting News
Green Facts for the Last Day of April
I hope you’ve had a great April. On this last day, here are a few facts on the environment from a local library fact sheet which might surprise you.
- recycling just ONE aluminum can save enough energy to equal a half gallon of gas
- 2,500,000 plastic bottles–that’s how many bottles Americans use in an HOUR.
- 40% of the waste produced in the world is made by us Americans
Some things you can do right now to help:
- reuse plastic bags or switch to paper bags (over 1,000,000 sea creatures are killed each year by plastic garbage in the ocean)
- change the most frequently used light bulbs in your home to incandescent ones (electricity for lighting could be cut by 50%)
- recycle paper (in 2007 in the U.S. more than 56% of the paper used was recycled)
Working together we can make a difference.
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National Library Week, National Poetry Month, Earth Day, and More
This has been a busy week. It’s NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK, so I certainly hope you’ve visited your local library at least once this week. I’m reading Elise Broach’s fun mystery story for middle grade readers called, MASTERPIECE. A cockroach named Marvin is the main character. He has an amazing talent which takes him on an adventurous quest. Click on the link and hear the author read from the book.
- cut two minutes off your morning shower to conserve water
- pick up trash in your neighborhood
- plant a tree or some wildflower seeds
What else can you think of do?
GOOD FRIDAY Remembrances
As we celebrate this holy day and reflect on Christ’s death, we take time to remember special people in our lives who are no longer with us. Our dear family members and friends who have passed on. And, perhaps, some special saints in heaven whom we admire.
Holy Thursday and Passover as Told to Children
Today is a very holy day in both the Christian and Jewish faiths.