Last night I stayed up to watch Barack Obama as he claimed his victory in the U. S. presidential race. I wanted to be a part of this important time in history. I was not disappointed. His speech was inspiring– hope-filled. A unifying speech for all of our people.
Category: children’s literature

Interview with KIT GRADY
Shari: Does an illustrator have more than one style of illustrating? How do you decide which style to use in children’s book illustrations?

Gifts From God Is Weekend Special
I just learned that GIFTS FROM GOD
is a Weekend Special
at This selection was based on GIFTS FROM GOD’s popularity and reader feedback from those who purchased the eBook version.
I know this news just made my weekend pretty special.
Score a Goal–Read a Book!
I’m very pleased and excited to tell you that DOGGIE DAY CAMP: VERB AND ADVERB ADVENTURES, the second book in Guardian Angel Publishing’s The Pet Grammar Parade Series, will be coming out soon. DOGGIE DAY CAMP explores verbs and adverbs with Bubba the dog.
Kit Grady created the amazing illustrations for the book. And like the first book in this series, KITTY KERPLUNKING: PREPOSITION FUN, this book also provides a study guide and lots of great activities. Already the teachers who have seen book love it and plan to use it in their classrooms.
Here is a clip from one review, Doggie Day Camp: Verb and Adverb Adventures is not only an entertaining story, but also an excellent resource to introduce grammar concepts to young readers and reinforce the use of verbs and adverbs to older readers. I’m looking forward to more books in Cynthia Reeg’s grammar series.– Kelly Secrease, 6th Grade Language Arts
Nettleton Intermediate Center
Jonesboro, Ar.
The new children’s ezine, LAUNCH PAD, has just announced another issue’s release. The OCEANS issue (the ezine’s third issue) is now up on their website. They’ve collected a series of fun stories and poems–all illustrated and written by children.
But they are still in need of more contributors for upcoming issues such as Summer Fun (hiking, camping, summer sports, vacations, etc.), Mystery, and Variety (any topic). And they especially need illustrators for the ezine.
Send any suggestions or submissions to: Paul Kelsey, Editor and Publisher
Launch Pad: Where Young Authors and Illustrators Take Off!
Walking on a Rainbow

By Mayra Calvani
I used to think writing children’s books was boring. Writing for those demanding, whining creatures? Are you kidding? Not for me. No thanks.
That was a few years ago.
Now, nothing fills me with more joy and excitement than writing a picture book or a novel for tweens. Writing for children is like stepping into a fresh, magical, innocent, marvelous world of color and words. Writing for children is, in fact, like walking on a rainbow.
So how did the change happen?
Easy. I had children.
I recently read an interesting post by another children’s author about how in order to write good children’s stories, one must know children. Of course, as always, there are exceptions to the rule, but in general, I find this observation to be true. This doesn’t necessarily mean that one must have children in order to write great children’s stories, but it does mean that one must interact with them, know their fears, fantasies, dreams. In sum, one must have a clear idea of what goes on inside their little heads and hearts.
In my case, having children brought out a tender, gentler part of me to the surface, a part I didn’t know I had. Suddenly, as I read to my little daughter every night, picture books, with their beautiful and evocative illustrations, began to appear very appealing to me. I don’t remember when the exact moment happened, the moment when I thought, ‘I want to write a children’s book.’ But I do know I went from extreme to extreme: from chilling horror to sweet picture books. Two very different worlds, but I’m able to switch from one to the other without much problem. On the contrary, each one serves as a refreshing break from the other. So I may work on a lovable children’s story in the morning, and dive into a disturbing werewolf scene in the afternoon. It’s fun, like having split personalities, without the crazy element (or at least, I hope so!).
So far, I’ve written four picture books. Two have already been published: The Magic Violin ( and CRASH! ( The other two are in the illustrating stages and will be released next year. I also have a finished tween novel in the editing stages and another one in progress.
The world of children’s book publishing is extremely competitive, to say the least. It takes hard work, dedication, perseverance and commitment to become a published author. I know the stakes, but once you step into that magical rainbow, there’s no turning back.
Mayra Calvani ( is a multi-genre author, reviewer, dog lover, and animal advocate. A regular contributor to Blogcritics Magazine and American Chronicle, she is also the author of CRASH!, a children’s picture book about a little boy and how he learns to care and find the perfect name for his new golden retriever puppy. Check out her ‘Crash the Puppy’ blog at
Children’s Choice Book Awards–Vote Now
Since 1975, the Children’s Book Council and the International Reading Association have sponsored Children’s Choices, where publishers submit some 700 titles to be evaluated and voted on by 10,000 children throughout the school year. This year, CBC is opening the contest up to children across the country. Kids can cast their votes for favorite books, author, and illustrator at bookstores, school libraries, and online through May 4. Winners will be announced during Children’s Book Week, May 12–18.
Favorite books can be voted on in these categories: Grade: K-2, 3-4, 5-6, and Favorite AUTHOR and ILLUSTRATOR
There are 5 choices in each category
Make sure to vote on your favorites…and if you haven’t read some of them yet, you still have time!