The totally monstrous FROM THE GRAVE cover!
Featured, front and center, Frankenstein Frightface Gordon—a.k.a. Frank. He’s a sixth grade misfit, with pathetic blue skin and neat-nik ways. But he’s quick to help his friends and usually careful to control his temper, which too often leads to big trouble. His motto: Stay Calm and Scary On!

Behind him is his best friend, Oliver, a mummy who detests being wrapped up and isn’t afraid to read banned books. Finally, standing by the Cemetery Park gates is Georgina, a brave dragon who has a major drool problem. In the background (top right), Fiendful Fiends Academy lurks. In this award-winning school for monsters, you’ll discover surprising secrets, evil creatures, and a belfry of bat poop.
Thanks so much to the amazing Jolly Fish Press design team who created this colorful cover!!! They’ve provided a glimpse into the monster kingdom with its bony skeleton trees and eternal gloom. They’ve brought to life three of the quirky characters. So many more were dying to be included. I can’t wait for you to meet all of them!
Pre-order your copy now before FROM THE GRAVE becomes a banned book too!!!
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