Today is a very holy day in both the Christian and Jewish faiths.
Category: Jesus
Lenten Meditations for Children: Jesus Suffers for Us
Another week of Lent has passed. We’ve had many chances to draw closer to Jesus. Have we taken the choices to do so? Or perhaps instead made choices which took us farther away?
- Make a Lenten Cross poster for your family and place it in a central location. Help your children understand how Jesus died for our sins. Provide small pieces of paper which family members can use to pin or tape their sins onto the cross. (For more info on this activity, visit Fridge Art.)
- Celebrate loving acts done for family and friends during Lent. Place an empty Easter basket on the dining table with a pile of plastic grass beside it. For each good deed or prayer said for others, the family member can place some grass into the basket. Hopefully, by Easter Day there will be a big fluffy pile inside the basket on which to place Easter eggs.
Lenten Meditations for Children: Helping Others Carry Their Crosses
We’ve almost finished the third week of Lent–half-way through. I made some intentions at the beginning of Lent. Some of them I’m doing better on than others. One of my intentions was to spend more time in prayer, but I’m not too sure I’ve been following through on that one as I should.

- Have your child grocery shop with you. Help him pick a less expensive food (perhaps breakfast cereal) than he usually eats. Collect the saved money during the rest of Lent then help your child donate the money to a needy organization.
- Have your child make a list of ways that she could aid members of your family. You could post it on the frig or bulletin board, and she can check off her kind deeds.
- Have your child make a list of ways that he could aid students and teachers at school. Again, you can post it in a prominent place and celebrate his loving acts with him.
- Help your child sort through her clothes and toys. She could donate gently worn/used items to a homeless shelter.
Lenten Mediations for Children: Condemning Others
We’re already at the end of the first full week in Lent. Time goes by so quickly when we are busy with all the routine day-to-day work and activities. So I wanted to include here at least one Lenten meditation each week for children. I’ll use somewhat the same format as I did several years ago in an article I wrote for MY LIGHT magazine , in which children can view Jesus’ life and death in relation to their world.
- Have your child illustrate Pilate condemning Jesus or the meditation scene with the school children.
- Older children might want to write their own meditation and prayer focusing on the cruelty of condemning others.
- Take a positive approach. Help your child list how many ways he has shown (or could show) love to others today.