Although today is the first day of SPRING, it has been rather rainy around these parts–as you can tell from Holly’s attire.
Today is also CHILDREN’S POETRY DAY. So I’ve found a spring poem and activity to accompany it. Since we’ve seen more rain than sunshine this spring, the poem I’ ve selected is A RAIN SONG by Evaleen Stein (1863-1923), a poet from Indiana. To learn more about Ms. Stein, click on this link sponsored by Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana: http://www.bsu.edu/ourlandourlit/Literature/Authors/authors_rd3/steine.html
by Evaleen Stein
Tinkle, tinkle,
Lightly fall
On the peach buds, pink and small;
Tip the tiny grass, and twinkle
On the clover, green and tall.
Tinkle, tinkle,–
Faster now,
Little rain-drops, smite and sprinkle
Cherry-bloom and apple-bough!
Pelt the elms, and show them how
You can dash!
And splash! splash! splash!
While the thunder rolls and mutters,
And the lightnings flash and flash!
Then eddy into curls
Of a million misty swirls,
And thread the air with silver, and embroider it with pearls!
To read the entire poem, click on this link at DLTK’S CRAFTS FOR KIDS: http://www.dltk-holidays.com/spring/poem/mstein-rainsong.htm
And for a fun craft, try this bunny all dressed for the rainy spring weather–also from DLTK: http://www.dltk-kids.com/animals/bunny/mbunny-spring.htm
For more rainy day poems, I suggest Candice Leby’s book, SPLASH!: POEMS OF OUR WATERY WORLD. She has a great poem using the same theme as Ms. Stein’s above but with a very different feel called RAIN, DANCE!
Happy Spring!