You Tell on You Tube

OK, I just saw this cool idea for a fun summer project for kids. Our local county library is sponsoring a video contest called Art@yourSt.LouisCountyLibrary.

What a great creative challenge for kids with some time on their hands. This is wonderful opportunity to tell a story–in a different format. Young script writers need to develop interesting characters, dialog, and plot–just as in a written story. But they also have the challenge of making it work on a visual level.

Are you up to the challenge? I hope so.
Even if you don’t enter this contest, challenge yourself to create an entertaining short video. Write an engaging script. Round-up some of your friends and family for cast. Find just the right props and settings. Then video tape it.

Finally, share your screen art with all the cast and crew–and be sure to pay them back with some popcorn and snacks at the premier showing.

Happy 4th of July, Everyone!!!

StoryTubes CONTEST for KIDS


StoryTubes 2008 national contest

Kids across the United States in Grades 1–6 are invited to participate in a national contest. They can make a two-minute video about their favorite book, upload it to YouTube, go to the StoryTubes website, and submit a link to the uploaded video using the contest entry form before April 20. The four winners in each genre category will win $500 in books and select a school, library, or educational association to receive $1,000 in books….

The contest begins April 1.

Each week during May, one video will be selected. The creator of the video will receive $500 in books and the winner’s school (home school) or library will also receive $1,000 in books!!!

These are the four video categories:
Hair Raising Tales
For or From the Heart
Of Heros and Heroines
Facts, Fads, and Phenoms

Go to the Story Tubes link to find out all the details.

Good luck!